makeup preparation
To ensure you get the best results, here are some tips you can do to prepare:
1. Please come with a cleansed face. You can moisturise before your appointment too - just stick to your regular skincare routine. We will still prep you and take care of the rest!
2. Fluffy brows are great, but if you usually have them waxed/groomed, please ensure this is done at least 2 days before.
3. Bring photos for inspiration! Bring at least 1 image of a full face of makeup that you’d like to use for inspo. You don’t need a super clear idea of what you want, but we'd love to know the vibe, and having some direction definitely helps.
4. Bring photos of your outfit/accessories so we can have a good idea of the style you’re going for.
spray tan preparation
Before your appointment:
- For best results, gently exfoliate your whole body the night before the tan, with extra focus on dry spots such as your ankles and elbows.
- Waxing should be done at least 48 hours before the tan, and shaving at least one day before.
At your appointment:
- Do not wear moisturiser
- Do not wear deodorant
- Wear loose clothing such as sweatpants/sweater/oversized t-shirt, and no bras afterwards.
- We will have disposable g-strings you can wear for the tan, however this is totally up to your preference. Some clients prefer their own underwear, some wear a bra, some prefer to get tanned nude. Either is fine - whatever makes you most comfortable!
spray tan aftercare
- When washing off your tan (your therapist will let you know when this is depending on the tan you get), ensure you shower in cold or lukewarm water (not hot).
- Do not use soap for the first shower, gently use your hands rinse the tan off until the water runs clean.
- Do not exfoliate or shave after receiving your spray tan.
- Continue to moisturize the skin after the first shower to keep the tan looking fresh.
- It is important that during the time after your spray tan and before your first shower that you avoid rain, saunas, physical activity that can cause sweating or getting the skin wet.